SHIPINSURE Information

ShipInsure: Protect Your Packages with Confidence!

ShipInsure is a premium package protection provider for {{store name}}. When you choose to
add ShipInsure to your order in the {{cart or checkout - choose where the widget is located}},
you gain the benefit of filing claims with ease in case of lost, stolen, or damaged shipments.

Should you encounter any unfortunate incidents, simply file a claim with ShipInsure.
Shipinsure’s dedicated team will promptly review your claim and respond within 24 hours. If you
have purchased ShipInsure Protection, you will receive a confirmation email from them with
instructions on how to file a claim with them if needed.

Protect your packages with ShipInsure today and have the confidence that your orders are

File a claim here

Note: If your order does not have ShipInsure protection for your {{ your store name }} order,
{{insert here how your store handles orders when they are not covered by ShipInsure}}.
How do I file a claim with ShipInsure?
If you have purchased ShipInsure Protection, you will receive an email from ShipInsure after
placing your order. This email will contain instructions on how to file a claim, along with your
unique ShipInsure ID# (starting with SI).
In case you did not receive an email from Shipinsure, here's how you can file a claim
1. Visit Shipinsure’s claims website
2. Provide Shipinsure with your Email and Order number
3. Select the claim reason, and your Preferred resolution for the claim.
File a claim here

The ShipInsure team will review your claim and get back to you within 24 hours.

How does ShipInsure resolve a claim?
ShipInsure offers two methods of resolution for approved claims: Reship and Refund.

If you choose "Refund" as your preferred resolution and your claim is approved, you can expect
to receive a refund within 48 hours of claim approval. The refund will be processed back to your
original payment method.
If you select a “Reship” and your claim is approved, ShipInsure will take care of processing a
reorder for you. You will receive an order confirmation email once the reorder is placed on your

When do I have to file a claim?
Claims must be submitted within 15 days of the tracking delivery date or estimated delivery

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